Wednesday, December 4, 2013

One Month

I can't believe it has been an entire month since Riella joined our family!  The time has flown by.  She is such a sweet baby and is fitting into our family perfectly.  The boys are still completely crazy over her.  For an example, just watch this:
This boy sure does love his sister.
She is still napping off and on throughout the day, but is definitely staying awake for longer periods during the day and is very alert when she is.  She is super social and does a great job of making eye contact and even smiles back at you as you talk to her.  She is a bit fussier than the boys were and definitely likes to be held.  She refuses to take a pacifier so we haven't figured out a way for her to truly self-soothe at all.  For now, extra cuddles seem to do the trick for the most part. 

She is nursing 7-8 times a day an average of 3-4 hours apart.  She nurses more often in the evenings as she prepares for a longer stretch (last night was 6 hours!!!!) during the night.

We had her one month check up today as well.  She weighs 10 lbs. 3 oz. (74th percentile) and is 23" which is off the charts.  She is definitely trending tall and skinny. 

Dr. A said she looked great and was impressed with her sleeping habits.  Riella even showed off a bit and was smiling at Dr. Anderson like crazy while she examined her.  Dr. A said that is a skill that usually doesn't develop until 6-8 weeks.  Apparently, Riella is going to be a social butterfly. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe Anna was about that size at birth?! :-) Riella is a doll!
