Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Strawberry Picking

We were able to cross off one more item on our Summer Fun List today.  We met up with Aunt Karen and picked strawberries at Waterman's.  It's the end of the season and the picking was more hunting than anything else, but we did manage to get a decent amount and the berries were delicious even if they were small.  We went back to Karen's and were able to make 3 batches of jam to share over the winter.  The boys did great and definitely enjoyed the fruits of their labor. ;-)  Next year, we will be a bit more proactive and get out there a bit earlier in the season.
Aunt Karen and the boys hard at work.

I finally let Cam eat one. Big mistake...HUGE!  (Bonus points if you can tell me what movie that's from).  Once he ate one, it was on!  He was grabbing and screaming for more every 2 seconds!

We decided we had enough shortly after that and got ready to walk back to the van. 

All of our hard work paid off in sweet, sweet jam! Not bad for 3 hours of time (from the time I picked up Karen to when we left her house).

Feeling accomplished. :-)


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