Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Big Boy Haircut

Today was Camden's first big boy haircut.  Ryker was in need of a major trim and Camden's hair is beyond my control so I scheduled him for an appointment too.  Ryker had his first haircut at the exact age that Cam is now, but they are very different children.  Ryker sat completely still in the chair the entire time and never made a peep.  I knew this would not be the case with Camden and was pretty nervous about how it would all go down.  I was also pretty sure I would wind up crying over his haircut once it was done.  I did that once after someone cut Ryker's hair WAY shorter than I wanted and I was so afraid I would embarrass myself by doing it again. Thankfully, it went really well and no tears were shed!

We went to Dawn's new salon in Wanamaker which was so nice.  Ryker went first to "show Cam how to do it".

This was the only picture I got of him in the chair there since he was moving around quite a bit and I was holding the Kindle for him to play with and eventually sitting with him on my lap.  It was a bit stressful, but it was actually better than I had feared.  
I tried (unsuccessfully) to get a picture of Cam in the van, but Ryker wanted his picture taken.  Pretty handsome, isn't he?

Ok, now for the after shots...

Giving him fruit snacks was the best way to get him to hold still for pictures. (And it was still a challenge!)

He is such a ham!

A good side view...she did a great job and I think it looks fantastic.  Sadly, it does make him look like he's 2 already, but it is WAY better than that mess we had going on before. 

My favorite of the day.  This child cracks me up!  

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