Camden is now 15 months old! He has grown and changed so much over the past 3 months since his birthday. He is so incredibly agile that it amazes me. Both his gross and fine motor skills are way ahead of the curve. Some of the activities that showcase these abilities most include climbing up and down off the couch and kitchen chairs, coloring, eating with a fork and spoon with surprising accuracy, threading pipe cleaners through the holes in a colander, throwing balls (well, just about anything that looks like it could be thrown), and jetting up and down the stairs at a world record pace. His verbal skills, however, have taken a back seat the past couple of months. He will say, "uh-oh", "I don't know", and a few other new phrases, but mainly he just grunts, whines, or cries to get his point across. It's a bit frustrating since we all know that he knows exactly what's going on and could talk if he wanted to, but is just choosing not to. He's a bit ornery!
His sleep schedule is WAY off since we moved in with my parents. He's up at least 1-3 times a night. Sometimes we can get him back down quickly by rocking him a bit and turning his music on. Other times, nursing him is the only way to get him back down. I hate doing it because I know it's not good for his teeth, but in an effort to keep everyone else in the house asleep, silencing him is my best option at this time. Let's just say, I'm ready to move so I can let him cry it out and break him of this habit! He's still napping twice a day. He can go without a morning nap fine, but will crash eventually if you try to keep him up for too long.
He's still a great eater. He will eat just about anything you put in front of him. In fact, he even ate sauerkraut the other day! Gross, in my opinion, but he didn't seem to mind. He still nurses in the mornings and evenings (and the aforementioned middle of the night ;-/ )
He had his 15 month appointment with Dr. Anderson. He weighed in a 26 lbs. 6 oz (75th percentile) and measured 32.5" (which is the 87th percentile). He was thrashing and fighting the poor nurse while she tried to measure him and was longer than the paper they laid him on to measure him. He remembered her from his 12 month shots and I think he thought she was going to give him shots. When I measure him at home, I consistently get 33.5" which is the 98th percentile and more consistent with his growth chart. Oh well, we'll see what they say at his 18 month appointment. Dr. A also said many kids will focus on one area of development at a time. This explains why he is making strides in motor development, but isn't talking much. She said we will likely see a language explosion around 18 months and to just keep talking to him and trying to coax it out of him in the meanwhile. She also said "normal" kids are saying 2-4 words at this age, so he is still actually ahead. Ryker was a HUGE talker at this age, so I guess I was comparing Cam to him. Oops! He had three shots and a blood draw to check his lead and iron levels. He handled everything really well and was especially good during the blood draw. I was dreading it, so it was a relief!
Happy 15 Months Rotten Boy!
(At least he's really cute!)
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